Sunday, January 30, 2005

Intern Blog: Getting Good Press

Well, not a bad week for blogging. I'm amazed how easy it is for me to write so much, even about topics I feel so passionately. It's sort of a gathering place to keep all my readings and useful links together in one spot also. I just need to work on this blog's template code some more, so it'll be more functional for searching and useful for getting to various external sites. It's really cool to see how some of my older interests, like arts management, are intersecting with copyright and preservation of library and archival materials. The kind of databases that are out there affect cataloging and access to information. I know some regional bands and artists that don't even bother with the hassle of finding out rights, so they retain a music attorney to deal with this nasty briar patch.

Here's an article that SLIS did on blogging my internship: Interning with Sound Recordings: A Blog. It also got a mention on IU alum and Haverford College music librarian John Anderies' blog, Infoshare: Weblog of the Information Sharing Subcommittee of the Reference and Public Services Committee of the Music Library Association.


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